Friday, October 16, 2009

*Baby Daddy* Kurama {Lemon} (Request for foxxofxthexshadows)

Baby's father


Yukimaru aged: 21

Yuki is very intelligent, is also the spliting image of his father. He uses his mind all the time, but he has your temper. If he doesn’t trust or like someone they will know and he is very protective of his baby sister.

Koilan aged: 13

Koi is smart, and is very pretty like her mother and father; hence all the fan boys. Koilan loves her family and friends. She even bares the same mark as you do; that all the females of your father’s clan has it is the mark of an ancient thief.


Name: Dyras "Kitsune" Hunyara
Age: 17
Race.: half human/half demon
Family: cousin-Hiei
Looks: Pic is up above
Powers: control the elements, powers of command, and queen of illusions
Junior High or High School: High School
Personality: aggressive, lonely, creative, intelligent, crazy, independent, easily annoyed.
Horoscope Sign: Scorpio


“Stupid useless child, I despise you so much!” My mother screamed at me as I entered the apartment, She was human while my father was a demon.

“Sure sure whatever.” I mumbled closing the door to my bedroom as she threw a solid object at it. I turned on my lamp placing my homework on it, starting to read and do the equations until my mother begin hitting on my door yelling and screaming.

“WHAT!” I yelled opening the door, just as she grabbed me by my neck. She then pushed me roughly on the floor punching and kicking me, she only stopped when she noticed I no longer was moving.

“Pathetic.” Was the last words I heard from her lips before I was taking beyond darkness and pain.

[Next day at school]

‘Pathetic.’ Stung inside my mind as I tried to get it out but to my unfortunate moment it didn’t let go. I rubbed my bruised skin trying to hide it under the school’s uniform jacket, my face was blackened around my left cheek and eye I covered it with an eye patch.

As lunch rolled by I raced past so no body would stare at me any more, I was getting annoyed at every one. I sat under the shaded roof top eating; I only go to take one bite of my ham sandwich before it was mysteriously taken.

“Hm, this flavor is repulsive.” Already knowing that voice all to well.

“Well then give it back!” I shouted, just as I started to reach for the sandwich he gripped my wrist. I winced in pain then he put the sandwich down reaching for the sleeve of the jacket, his eyes grew wide as he looked back up only for you to look the other way.

“Who did this?” He growled.

“Hunyara!” He barked, I shrugged my shoulders not really wanting to talk about it.

“Dyras tell me now.” He continued asking with a hiss.

“Hiei cut it out!” I screamed pulling my bruised up wrist from his grip, even though the pain began to hurt once again.

“Dyras ‘Kitsune’ Hunyara.” He hissed with a death glare, I just finished my sandwich walking away.

“I’m leaving see to it that you find a way out.” I said rudely, he growled really angry now as I closed the exit door on the roof top.

[After school on the way home]

I walked to the park just to pass some time, it was another day that mother would be drunk and awake.

‘Why does she despise me, I take care and watch over her why does she hate me’ I thought then slapped the water before me out of anger. I stood up and headed home.

‘Maybe she’ll be asleep.’ I thought hopefully, as I made it to the complex and up the stairs to the apartment. I opened the door not hearing any movement, I wiped my forehead walking to my bedroom again opening then closing it in much relief. I started to do my assignments as I heard shouting and yelling, then my door opened showing a woman drunk.

“Ungrateful whore, come here you slut.” She yelled, I started to create an illusion but didn’t do it fast enough as she hit me what an object, immediately I dropped to the floor. My head hurt so badly as the blood started to drip down from the fresh new wound, then my bedroom window broke and a black figure I barely saw stood before me. My vision started to fade in and out, but my hearing was good.

“YOU!” My mother shouted at the figure.

“Leave her alone.” Hiei’s voice said firmly, I started to crawl away so I could at least lift myself.

“Stupid child, I should have killed you.” She said striking Hiei. He dodged her throws and solid hitting objects. I made it to my bed then grabbed my cover wiping my face and head, slowly I began to see. My mother huffing as Hiei kept dodging her attacks, she looked over to me point a gun. Hiei saw this and got furious as he grabbed the weapon, but she done fired it at me. The bullet hit my shoulder as I cried out in pain, I looked up lightly as I watched Hiei set her aflame.

“Hiei!” I screamed he came over lifting me in his arms as our apartment began to burn, we watched and left no long after.

“I’ll ask someone to care and watch over you but we need to get you to a hospital first.” He said jumping from roof top to roof top, finally landing in front of a ER.

“What do we have here?” A lady asked as Hiei entered.

“She was wounded.” He replied as the lady looked.

“Alright bring her in here.” She said as Hiei followed.

“Your name Dyras Hunyara.” I said barely above a whisper, she nods then Hiei lays me down I looked at him scared as my eyes suddenly closed.

[Hiei’s POV]

“She’ll be fine now the doctor will be in here soon.” The nurse told me as I watched her sleep.

‘I’ll be back my little cousin.’ I thought walking out the room and heading to Yusuke’s. I reached his apartment knocking on the door, Botan and Yusuke answered.

“Yo Hiei what brings you here?” He asked.

“Kurama, where is Kurama?” I asked them, they pointed and I saw the red fox sitting there talking to Keiko and Kuwabara.

“Kurama I need to asked you something in private.” I said getting his attention, he nod standing up and walking over with me out the apartment door.

“What can I do for you Hiei?” He asked.

“I need you to watch over some one for me.” I started.

“To live with me?” He asked curiously.

“If possible yes.” I replied, just as his cell phone went off.

“Yes mother, I will be there soon. Oh mother I have a friend coming over do you mind if she stays with us?” He asked her, he smiled soon after.

“I love you to mother, see you tonight.” He said then hung up.

“Well?” I asked.

“She is fine with it, we best go get this person then.” He said and the other’s popped their heads out.

“So who is this girl then, Hiei?” Botan asked childishly.

“You gonna’ spill it then?” Yusuke smirks.

“NO!” I said simply. I walked off followed by Kurama and the rest. We made it to the hospital walking in. We walked in hearing yelling and screaming, I knew who that was when the same nurse walked out looking at me.

“She wont let us near her to take the bullet out, maybe you should calm her down?” The nurse suggested.

“Fine.” I huffed following the lady, the door opened revealing her using an illusion against them. I smiled with out notice since there human eye cannot see what I am.

“Kit.” I called firmly, she drops the illusion releasing the medical staff then looked to me with a calm expression.

[Back to your POV]

I was getting upset with them I didn’t know what they were going to do to me, Hiei wasn’t near when I woke up.

“Hiei.” I whispered, he was by me in a flash. I saw another set of eyes looking in as Hiei caressed my hair calming me down.

“Dyras you need to sleep so they can do this.” He said to me, I griped his lower arm.

“I promise I will be here when you wake up, I just had to get the person you will be staying with to come here.” He promised as I release his arm, letting him go.

[Hiei’s POV]

I looked over my shoulder as she laid back down letting the medics and nurses tend to her wound, I walked out seeing their eyes all on me

“What?” I asked, they just smile trying to bring me into a hug.

“SO.” Botan said in starter.

“So what?” I asked.

“Is that who I think it is?” She questioned.

“Who and what are you talking about?” I replied asking her, she pulls out a file handing it to me. I opened the file reading it, my eyes opened wide.

“How did you-” I started to ask as she interrupted me with a laugh.

“That is my job, I was curious and told of her. Koenma said she is around the area and to look out for her.” She replied, then playfully elbowed me in the side.

“Oh and I didn’t get to mention is that she is your co-” I quickly covered her mouth then came to her ear.

“Don’t finish that, she doesn’t need your two or anyone else’s two cents in to bother her.” I said, she nods.

“Yo Botan she is Hiei’s what?” Yusuke asked, Botan sweat drops looking at me.

“Oh nothing never mind me Yusuke.” She said, I looked to them they all seemed pleased with her answer, well all but one; Kurama looks between us quirking a brow.

[Next day your POV]

I woke to a shinning light blinding me as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, a slight pain hit my shoulder as I remembered what happened last night. I looked to my right seeing Hiei’s sleeping form, I smiled sitting up.

‘Awe my big cousin to the rescue’ I thought sarcastically, although he heard.

‘Don’t push it Dy.’ I had forgotten he has telepathy; I slapped my forehead only making me yell out ‘OUCH’ and laugh at myself.

“Hiei when can I leave?” I asked, he opens his eyes.

“Doctor hasn’t said when you can ask him when you see him.” He simply says, then closes his eyes again.

‘Lazy bum.’ I laughed.

“Heard that brat.” He replied out loud, making me laugh more.

“Then stay outta my head fire breath.” I teased, then the doctor walked in smiling.

“Ah Miss Hunyara, how do you feel today?” He asked.

“Alright I suppose, when can I leave?” I said asking him.

“Later today, and my name is Ryuuki.” He replies.

“Ok thanks Dr. Ryuuki.” I say politely, earning a ‘huff’ from Hiei.

“Lover?” He asked me, I laughed.

“Oh no no that fire breath is my cousin on his dad’s side.” I said still laughing only less now since my sides started to hurt.

“Alright well we will get everything including medication and you can be off.” He said then left.

“Come on fire breath you cant sleep all day, oh and who am I saying with?” I asked him excitedly.

“A friend and his family, his mother said you could. Dy one thing though his family don’t know anything about demons so don’t say anything.” He warned.

“Their human?” I asked, he nods.

‘SO UNLIKE YOU.’ I shouted inside my head.

“Yes I know you’ll find out later why to.” He said. I looked at him funny just as some people walk in.

“Yo Hiei so you going to introduce us or what?” Some black haired boy asked Hiei.

“Dyras, this is Keiko, Botan, Kuwabara, Yusuke and Kurama.” Hiei said while pointing out who was who, my eyes meets their only brief but once they laid upon Kurama’s envy green ones my cheeks began to heat up.

“Does she have a fever?” Botan asked and they all looked at me.

“No I don’t.” I said defensively.


I transferred schools and went with Kurama, he was so kind and always had an eye on me. His family welcomed me with open arms. It has been over two months now that I have lived with them, sitting out side in the grass as I watched a single red rose bloom before my eyes.

“Cunning fox come out, come out where ever you are.” I taunted, he came out from behind me with another rose in his hand.

“Here, so what did you do today?” He asked me with a gentle smile.

“Nothing much, Kurama do you thing you can help me study later?” I asked him, lately I’ve been falling for the hot red head. He smiles as he comes closer, placing his right hand over my cheek for some odd reason I flinched at his touch. Kurama quickly removes his hand, as I looked down.

“Sorry about that.” I said sadly.

“Shall we then?” He asked, I nod. His family went on a vacation as he and I only stayed, he opens his bedroom door as I sit on his bed. I started to open my text book, as he opens the window then sits next to me on the bed.

“I got most of it down I am just having trouble keeping this formula in my head is all.” I stated, he nods looking over it. I looked down then started to rub my shoulder and neck as he read over the equation. My body heat rises with out close contact, I started to fan my self then unbuttoned a few on my shirt. I looked back over to him, as he looks up at me handing me the book back.

“Alright so we can start in steps.” He say then adds as he watched me fan myself. “Is it that hot in here?”

“Oh um sort of or maybe it’s just me.” I laughed trying to focus on my studying rather then on him. I closed my eyes as I felt his breath hit the back of my neck, his finger tips started to wrap around me as he captured my lips softly to his.

[LEMON TIME, you can skip this part if you want it will say ‘Lemon time ended’ for those of you.]

Kurama pushed my book from my hands moving back away as he stood up, pulling me with him. He captured my lips to his again undressing us both at the same time, leaving me in my bra and matching low cut panties. He steps out of his pants then looks me up and down. He walks slowly back to me pulling me to him, he lifts me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

“I’ve none for some time now Dyras.” He whispered while nibbling on my ear.

“Of what?” I asked keeping my eyes closed.

“That you like me.” He simply said trailing kisses to my neck, sucking and biting. I tilted my head back slightly, enjoying his every touch.

“How.” I asked, he laughs lifting his head to see me at eye level.

“Just now I did, I wasn’t sure but I am now. I like you to Dyras.” He spoke crashing his lips to my again, but this time he licks my bottom lip begging for entrance. I taunted him parting then closing, he growls lightly tracing my curves. He tried again to gain entrance, I let him as he only massaged my tongue with his. I purred in the kiss as his hands began to unhook my bra, he pulls away looking down then starts to knead my breast in his mouth taunting them to hard nubs. I pull his hair earning a loud groan from him, I leaned in at the crook of his neck biting down lightly.

“Dyras.” He moans softly, which I wanted to hear him roar. I slide my hands down his tone body into his briefs taunting his growing bulge, he jumps at my touch.

“Kurama, I-I want you.” I purred into his ear, right after the words left my lips he pulls his and my panties off tossing them. He turns still holding me around his waist now up against his door, as his long and hard member poked at my slit. He unwraps my legs from around his waist dropping them, he knees down spreading my legs as he began rubbing my virgin wet sex.

“AAhhh..Kkkuuurrrama.” I moan as I felt his tongue sliding all around my clit, he removed his fingers sliding them to my slit. He rubbed around the mound then stuck his two fingers in, I bucked my hips as he pumped in and out. My eyes close as he picked up pace, I felt my climax already coming near.

“Kurama I’m ahhh going nnaaahhh come.” I wimpered, as he removed his fingers replacing it with his tongue again pumping it in and out.

“Ahhh…Kurama…nnnnaaahh.” I moaned loudly, gripping his hair as I came in his mouth. Kurama stands up pulling me to him, crashing his lips to mine as I tasted my sweet juices on the tip of his tongue. I pulled away breaking the kiss, pushing him back until he fell over the bed. He watched my lustfully as I got on my knees taking his erection in my hands, licking the tip of his head. He groaned in want as I started to rub up and down then I kept my hand at the base of his erected cock and putting him inside my mouth. The sounds he made egged me on more and more and I bobbed my head up and down while stroking him at the same time.

“Dddyyyyrrrasss.” He moaned loudly as he came, his warm thick cum slid down my lips and chin. He sits up pulling me to him licking where his cum slid down, Kurama pushed me down on my back hovering over me, he looked at me after aiming at my wet entrance.

“It will hurt but not long. I promise.” He murmured, then thrusted deep inside he waited until I was used to his size before he pulled out thrusting back in. Kurama lifted one of my legs over his shoulder as he slammed in and out, fast and deep. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as he picked up pace going faster and deeper with each thrust.

“Ahhh…nnnnaaa..uuuuuuhhhhhh.” I moaned, as he pulled out laying down letting me ride him.

“Dddddyyyraas.” He grunted as our skin started to slap each other over and over again. He moaned screaming my name as I did him, he bucked his hips meeting my thrust. His thick long cock pulsed inside of my and I knew his release was coming very soon, as was mine. Again he lifts pulling out flipping me on all four and thrusting upwards hitting my g-spot even more, he pulled my hair as his thrust was over powering.

“KURA-DYRAS!” We scream in unison as we came, he leaned over my body as I dropped down on my stomach laying on his bed panting. I roll over as he laid next to me smiling brightly, he pulls the cover over us then pulls me to his chest holding me tightly.

“I love you Dyras.” He said kissing my lips.

“I love you too my cunning fox.” I replied still out of breath and sweaty just like him.



I have been ill for the last three weeks, Kurama and his family not to mention Hiei and the other all worried. I wasn’t positive why but I had a reason, since Kurama and I kept our ‘relationship’ to our selves just in case if anything would happen. I knew that morning after we made passionate sweet love he would want more and sure enough the next morning we did again.

Keiko and Kuwabara’s sister figure it too since I was wanting chocolate ice cream with french fries. So we went to a store and got a test to just check, we waited five minutes and then Kuwabara’s sister walked over reading it her cigarette fell from her mouth as Keiko and I ran over.

“Well it is positive hun you got a bun.” She said lighting up another cigarette, Keiko looked at you .

“I didn’t know you even had a boy- wait don’t tell me it is Hiei’s.” She said dramatically.

‘Oh yea they still don’t know.’ I thought as I remembered they didn’t know Hiei and I were related.

“Hm no it isn’t and don’t tell him either.” I warned with a laugh, they nod.

“If it’s not Hiei’s then why are you to so close?” Keiko asked, and I sighed.

“We’re family, he is my cousin but don’t tell him I said anything.” I told and rubbed my temple, because I knew what is going to happen. I pocketed the little test thing and we returned back to Yusuke’s apartment. Yusuke answers the door, his eyes jump out of their sockets.

“What the hell took you so long!” He yells as the others walked over.

“Yes what took you?” Hiei said interrupting to start of an argument with Keiko and Yusuke.

“We just need to get a test.” I slipped out, they looked at me.

“What kind of test, Dy?” Hiei asked.

‘Pregnancy.’ I thought then Hiei’s eyes flickered to Kurama.

“Kurama tell me you didn’t.” Hiei remarks, Kurama looks down.

“Tell me you didn’t sleep with Dyras.” He repeated to him. Kurama’s eyes grow wide as he looks to me only I didn’t meet his gaze.

“I-I didn’t know.” Kurama replied out of words, I looked up at them.

“Show us the test, Dy.” Hiei states, as I pulled the test out.

“Here and you should be upset since you don’t want anyone to know a little secret beside the one they already know.” I say crossing my arms over my chest.

“What secret?” Kuwabara asked out of no where, Kurama walks to me putting his hands on both shoulders.

“I am sorry Dyras.” Kurama apologized, I hugged him.

“Get away from her.” Hiei yells.

“Why are you being so protective Hiei?” I asked annoyed with him.

“That is because she is Hiei’s cousin he has every right to be.” Keiko mutters, then cover her mouth.

“Sorry Dyras.” She said, Yusuke, Kuwabara and Kurama gasped.

“You serious.” Yusuke laughed.

“Yes she is, Kurama you better care for her.” Hiei warn, I walked over to Hiei hugging him.

“Your going to be an uncle.” I teased earning a groan of annoyance from him.

“Ok so how come you’re still over protective?” Kuwabara asked as he tried to keep up.

“Because she has no other family but me.” Hiei proudly states.


I didn’t know about my baby yet so we, meaning Hiei and Kurama went with me to check.

“See here this is what your baby looks like and your about five months now, and you see this here.” Yuriko said as she pointed on the screen. “shows your baby is a boy.”

“A boy.” I repeated looking to both Hiei and Kurama, they smile. She took a few snap shots for us to show if we wanted to. Then we left, Kurama’s mother thought us being together was cute and she says she cant wait.


I sat drinking pink lemonade, as I sipped on the sweet tart drink I felt a kick. I smiled rubbing by belly, then Kurama and the others walked in.

“Hey look feel.” I told him, he puts his hand there feeling the baby’s kick. Then I leaned over in pure pain as a wet feeling ran down my legs.

“Guys we need to take her now.” Keiko states point to the water mess. I gritted my teeth as Hiei and Kurama helped me up and headed to give birth to our baby.


I huffed and panted as I squeezed his hand, he smiles as he looks at me. The doctor looks down and up again.

“Another one and breath.” He said, then he looked to a nurse as she walked out and came back in.

“Once more, push hold now release.” He said, just as crying echoed and the baby was handed to the nurse. She leaves and minutes later walks back in with the baby all cleaned up.

“It’s a boy.” She smiles handing the baby to me, I looked down as he wrapped his little fingers around my index.

“What should we name him?” I asked him.

“How about Yukimaru?” He said, as Yukimaru’s hair and eyes started to change into his fox demon.

“It fits him beautifully.” I said laughing.


I sat down holding our newest family member, a baby girl we named; Koilan. I watched as Kurama and Yukimaru played around chasing each other, as the sun started to set a figure stood near walking, I smiled as I stood up.

“Kurama look who came to visit.” I yelled, he turns around and smiles as Yuki ran over to greet his uncle Hiei. After the demon tournament, Hiei stayed in the demon world. He came once in a while to visit, and this time he wanted to see his new niece; Koilan.


  1. i almost wet myself when kurama thought hiei was dyras' boyfriend i was laughing so hard. it's the best baby daddy and im not just saying that because im in love with kurama. X3

  2. I like when hiei said dnt tell me u slept with Dyras and Kurama was like O_O looking dwn hahahahahaha XD
